Friday, October 28, 2011

Creative Writing News

Hi everyone! I'm finally posting about what the Creative Writing Club has been doing in the past weeks.

For starters, we've been trying to start up our service project. For the service project, we'd be going down to the daycare and try to put together a book for a few of the day care students. We were going to do it in October and have a Halloween theme, but we decided to push it back for around January or December. (I believe that's the time frame we chose, but I could be wrong). Anyway, for this project, any member who wants to join in would go down to the daycare maybe 3 times and help the little kids organize their thoughts into pictures. Then, we'd put all the pictures together and come up with a story and put the story into a book. Hopefully, we'd be able to have a reading for the little kids too. If you're a member and haven't already expressed your interest in volunteering for our service project, let one of the officers know! The more the merrier!

We are also happy to have a new treasurer, April! We're really happy that April stepped up and offered to take care of our budget! It's great that our club is gaining new officers and members almost every meeting. I believe we might still be looking for an events coordinator. If you are interested, let Sue, Kassie, Azalea, or me know. The events coordinator basically creates posters for events, talks to student life about the technical stuff we'd have to do for events, and gets word out about our events. That's the general idea. I can get more information for anyone who is interested.

We also have a few ideas floating around about other upcoming things we could get involved with. Britta mentioned a book drive that the Enivormental Action Society is having to encourage people to donate old books instead of throwing them away. I think that would be a good thing for us to get involved in! If you have any other ideas, let us know!

Just a reminder, if you want a story workshopped, please e-mail it to either Azalea or me. We haven't had one yet! Although free readings are just as fun and helpful, it would be nice for new members to get a general idea about what we do during workshops.

If you have any ideas for the club, want to do a work shop, or have any questions, you can e-mail me. I should see if I can put up a side bar that has e-mail addresses for our great advisors and hard-working officers. If you need e-mail addresses, you can e-mail me for now.

Happy writing and happy Halooween!

Your VP,
Lindsay Strand